But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. --Ernest Hemingway


Dirty Keys

My script for the 1st part of Tussle is almost done but a small-bout of depression and hard work as delayed it a couple of days. It shall be finished hopefully today or tomorrow.

I've got dirty fingernails. The first couple of days of my first industrial job have been interesting and tiring. I've learned a couple of things. Apparently, training in industrial jobs means "Shit work." I figured driving a forklift would'nt be all that physically taxing and from the looks of everyone zooming around on their forklifts it isn't but I've spent the past two 10-hour shifts breaking down punched skids and rebuilding skids. Yesterday Eddie and I, built 30 skids of 30 cases of product each of which weighed about 45 lbs each. I've probably consumed about 50,000 mgs of Naproxen Sodium in the past 48 hours, which reminds me... Also I've learned that this is the one job where you're actually discouraged to work too hard. We were almost done with all of the skids before lunch so we were told to slow our pace down about 3 times till we were moving about .5 mph. So far if I can walk away with only one hour of sweeping, it's a good day. Sweeping is the dreaded fall back task if a supervisor sees you and they dont have anything for you to do you'll be told to pick up a broom and start sweeping. They tell you just to start sweeping because the warehouse is fucking huge and there is always shit all over the place so it's like kicking sand on a forest fire.

One thing I take comfort in is the Office Space exchange where the main guy asks his neighbor "Does anyone ever say 'looks like somebody's got a case of the mondays' at your job?" and his neighbor responds puzzled "No, I believe somebody'd get their ass kicked for saying something like that."

The forklifts are kind of fun though it's kind of like driving a big mech on wheels around. Ooh I also learned how to pry upon wooden crates with a forklift. Apparently the talk of the town last night was that someone rammed a fork into a rack bending the 1/2 inch of solid steel into a ninety degree angle.

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