The warehouse I work at is located in the same building so we gotta wear ear plugs at all times. So all dialog sounds like some strange public television production dubbing.
I recently restarted my netflix subscription service so I'm gonna try to do some quickie reviews of the discs as they come in. So to catch up
Stray Dog *****
Akira Kurosawa crime noir is almost as cool as Kurosawa Samurai movies. The movie moves greatly from quirky comic routines to very gritty stirring scenes. Mifune's over-excitable angst is welcome as always. Kimura who happens to be my favorite of Kurosawa's regular stable plays the somewhat jaded veteran flawlessly. At the end you feel nearly as exhausted as the pro- and antogonist. No surprise, highly recommended.
Control Room ***
Yet another documentary to get you really pissed-off about the people running this country. It's about Al-Jazeera the Arab Sattelite News Channel. If you really want to feel disturbed and frustrated like none other I recommend checking this one out next to Outfoxed.
Garden State *****
I could go on about this one ..damn. This one hold a special place in my heart for reasons I wont go into. I waited a long time to see it. It didn't show in Corpus, where I was at when it came out. I had wanted to see it so bad as soon as I saw the trailer. Zach Braff was great in his many-roles, but at the same time it's pretty much exactly the movie a guy from his demographic (kinda like mine) would be expected to make. I didn't particularly like the way the Shins were introduced so blatantly. And yes "New Slang" very well may change your life but you shouldn't have to be told. Beautiful, moving and fun. What more can you ask for.
Black Hawk Down **
I like to keep an action flick in my queue for my parents to watch every now and then. I hadn't seen it and I had a tiniest shred of hope for Ridley Scott. Ultimately the performances outshined the content and direction. Although for the life of my I can't understand why they went with so many british actors with such thick accents. The film seems torn between trying to be a gritty portrayal of real events and a rock video. This one couldn't keep my attention.
Mr. Show, Season 1 ***
Like the first season of many great comedies this first season show merely mediocrity with tiny elements of brilliance shining through occasionally. The special features show the Mr. Show before it was on TV and shows the stars truly in their element. I look forward to the coming seasons. BTW if you do check this out dont bother with the commentaries. They're pretty much uninformative except for the explanation of the reason of why the shoot Mr. Show the way they do which is pretty damn brilliant. They shoot in front of a live audience in a restaraunt/bar so they can do away with the bullshit you have to go through shooting in a studio. They said they wanted the whole process to be fun.
So I'm anxiously awaiting Renoir's "The Rules of the Game" and the new anime DVD "Dead Leaves"