But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. --Ernest Hemingway



I went very hard today, probably too hard. 8 mins @ 170. I couldn't go anymore. I was getting that burning sensation in the back of my throat. Not as long as I wanted to go but harder than I planned. So progress is made. Good.

I think I'm going to do the diabetes walk in september. I should have done something like this a long time ago. Thanks to Sarah R. for the idea.

I will attempt to keep my current schedule over the weekend. The weekend is what fucks me up. Except Sunday because I have a party to go to on Saturday night after I help Ryon move in. No drinking. It will be tough. Parties are so much more fun when drinking. Hopefully that fiesty little puerto rican will be there, ignoring her boyfriend and keeping me busy.

I had a talk with and old friend last night that mainly involved a lot of yelling and threats. How refreshing...

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