But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. --Ernest Hemingway


So Dork.

Last night I dreamed of alien invasion and horrible curses put upon households by decrepit woman wandering into houses. I also dreamed I beat the shit out of some two-bit prowrestler in an afternoon MMA fight. It diminished the credibility of his match scheduled for after the sun went down.

I'm looking at the edge of what might be one of the hardest periods in my life. Familial obligations overwhelm me. Feelings of abandonement and hopelessness abound. I've lost all sense of accomplishment from wrestling by completing a copletely winless season. I'm out of shape. And so very poor (financially). As far as women go, all I seem to attract are poor, damaged souls in need of a launching pad.

But enough of the self-pity. I'm picking myself back up. I'm standing up. Oh and my friends are doing amazing things.

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