But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. --Ernest Hemingway


I like me.

In an email to a friend:

"I really like books. A good meaty book goes a long way with me. Even short-stories are hard for me to get into. Sun Also Rises is my favorite, hands down. I read it about every-other year and fall in love with it every time. This is why I can understand the attraction of poetry without necessarily feeling it myself: I can't tell you why I like Sun Also Rises. I just do. It's not the most well-written. It's not the most compelling. There's just something about it, you know? That's what I appreciate about poetry it's allusions to and attempts at grasping for something that cant necessarily be put directly into words."

I like googling: friends.

That's my friend Jon....athan lying to a bunch of people he doesnt know.


Man I love the Ninja Turtles...

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo


The Y.

Haunted by dreams of the past. Tortured by realities of the future.

I had a good time catching up with my friend Sarah, saturday night. It'd been a long time. It's nice to know some things never change.

Man I'd sure like to hear that new Kings of Convenience CD. All I have is one of their remix albums. Am I a true fan?

I should be asleep by now. I go to work and sweat. I go to wrestling practice and sweat. I go to sleep and sweat. She's still cold as ice. And I'm so hot...

Rolling Stones' Exile on Main Street never gets old.

My hands are starting to look like the way I imagined they'd look when I got old. Knuckles are scarred. Lines in my palm are deeper and more pronounced. I've got man hands. They used to be soft.

I've fought and won. I've loved and lost.

The following quote is from a Pitchfork Media review of the rerelease of DJ Shadow's Endtroducing:

"And he also knows how it feels to be in that bin, like all of us on the way to our own graves, where we'll be trapped with all the other goners-- hoping someone will see something a little different and special in us, that might pull us out of the pile." -Chris Dahlen, June 10, 2005

I wish I had a wrestling partner my size.



saving lives..

This news that Sigur Ros' is bypassing there Dallas stop on their tour like the do most of the time. Reminds me, when I saved my friend Derik's life. Well some might say.. There was this weird thing of people inexplicably passing out at Sigur Ros' concerts. I was hanging with a good size group of friends till it seemed like one by one they all slowly withdrew into their places throughout the crowd. I backed away to get a better view of the band and ran into my friend Derik and his girlfriend Mae. They eventually wandered a little bit ahead of me. I noticed Derik kind of swaying then Mae had this really scared look on her face. So I ran up there and caught Derik just as he was falling out. I carried him to the nearest exit and he regained consciousness. Derik claimed he was unusually sober that day only having had 2 beers much earlier in the afternoon. Then Mae went around telling everybody that I saved his life. That was strange, since I hadn't. Quite frankly I was more interested in finding out the details of Derik's passing out as I had read of this strange phenomena occuring at Sigur Ros' concerts, previously.


I miss the beach...more than you can imagine. I'm getting dark in my arms from time spent in the sun at work and play. But my torso is pale (somewhat). It's a weak shield for my burdened heart. I left something out there in the dunes and the neverending waves.

I worked out the ending of Tussle a little bit more. Took away the big stunt for a smaller one. Check it out. Lemme know what you think.

My membership at the UTA gym has expired, I'm considering working out at Metroflex. A wrestling buddy of mine works out there who is training to be a body builder. He wondered if I wanted to come and work out with him. My only hesitation is that this is a hardcore bodybuilding gym. There'll be plenty of meatheads and steroids. Ronnie Coleman one of the most successful bodybuilders in history works out there. But I'll probably be the strongest I've ever been if I do. I've yet to decide.

It seems like friday night was the night to get drunk. Many have reported of debauchery on high levels that night. I know I was drunker than I have been a long time.

Nostalgia surges.