But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. --Ernest Hemingway


My Dream Woman:

Mysterious, Sexy and Trustworthy


Ha-ha Funny.

I've been enjoying Peter Jackson's Video diary on his King Kong Prod. Blog. Most of them are fairly informative but this on in particular is hilarious.


How industrious of you.

The warehouse I work at is located in the same building so we gotta wear ear plugs at all times. So all dialog sounds like some strange public television production dubbing.

I recently restarted my netflix subscription service so I'm gonna try to do some quickie reviews of the discs as they come in. So to catch up

Stray Dog *****
Akira Kurosawa crime noir is almost as cool as Kurosawa Samurai movies. The movie moves greatly from quirky comic routines to very gritty stirring scenes. Mifune's over-excitable angst is welcome as always. Kimura who happens to be my favorite of Kurosawa's regular stable plays the somewhat jaded veteran flawlessly. At the end you feel nearly as exhausted as the pro- and antogonist. No surprise, highly recommended.

Control Room ***
Yet another documentary to get you really pissed-off about the people running this country. It's about Al-Jazeera the Arab Sattelite News Channel. If you really want to feel disturbed and frustrated like none other I recommend checking this one out next to Outfoxed.

Garden State *****
I could go on about this one ..damn. This one hold a special place in my heart for reasons I wont go into. I waited a long time to see it. It didn't show in Corpus, where I was at when it came out. I had wanted to see it so bad as soon as I saw the trailer. Zach Braff was great in his many-roles, but at the same time it's pretty much exactly the movie a guy from his demographic (kinda like mine) would be expected to make. I didn't particularly like the way the Shins were introduced so blatantly. And yes "New Slang" very well may change your life but you shouldn't have to be told. Beautiful, moving and fun. What more can you ask for.

Black Hawk Down **
I like to keep an action flick in my queue for my parents to watch every now and then. I hadn't seen it and I had a tiniest shred of hope for Ridley Scott. Ultimately the performances outshined the content and direction. Although for the life of my I can't understand why they went with so many british actors with such thick accents. The film seems torn between trying to be a gritty portrayal of real events and a rock video. This one couldn't keep my attention.

Mr. Show, Season 1 ***
Like the first season of many great comedies this first season show merely mediocrity with tiny elements of brilliance shining through occasionally. The special features show the Mr. Show before it was on TV and shows the stars truly in their element. I look forward to the coming seasons. BTW if you do check this out dont bother with the commentaries. They're pretty much uninformative except for the explanation of the reason of why the shoot Mr. Show the way they do which is pretty damn brilliant. They shoot in front of a live audience in a restaraunt/bar so they can do away with the bullshit you have to go through shooting in a studio. They said they wanted the whole process to be fun.

So I'm anxiously awaiting Renoir's "The Rules of the Game" and the new anime DVD "Dead Leaves"


Dirty Keys

My script for the 1st part of Tussle is almost done but a small-bout of depression and hard work as delayed it a couple of days. It shall be finished hopefully today or tomorrow.

I've got dirty fingernails. The first couple of days of my first industrial job have been interesting and tiring. I've learned a couple of things. Apparently, training in industrial jobs means "Shit work." I figured driving a forklift would'nt be all that physically taxing and from the looks of everyone zooming around on their forklifts it isn't but I've spent the past two 10-hour shifts breaking down punched skids and rebuilding skids. Yesterday Eddie and I, built 30 skids of 30 cases of product each of which weighed about 45 lbs each. I've probably consumed about 50,000 mgs of Naproxen Sodium in the past 48 hours, which reminds me... Also I've learned that this is the one job where you're actually discouraged to work too hard. We were almost done with all of the skids before lunch so we were told to slow our pace down about 3 times till we were moving about .5 mph. So far if I can walk away with only one hour of sweeping, it's a good day. Sweeping is the dreaded fall back task if a supervisor sees you and they dont have anything for you to do you'll be told to pick up a broom and start sweeping. They tell you just to start sweeping because the warehouse is fucking huge and there is always shit all over the place so it's like kicking sand on a forest fire.

One thing I take comfort in is the Office Space exchange where the main guy asks his neighbor "Does anyone ever say 'looks like somebody's got a case of the mondays' at your job?" and his neighbor responds puzzled "No, I believe somebody'd get their ass kicked for saying something like that."

The forklifts are kind of fun though it's kind of like driving a big mech on wheels around. Ooh I also learned how to pry upon wooden crates with a forklift. Apparently the talk of the town last night was that someone rammed a fork into a rack bending the 1/2 inch of solid steel into a ninety degree angle.


What's what

So I had orientation for my first job yesterday. Drove and operated a forklift for the first time, that was scarier than I thought it would be. I start training sunday night.

I've decided to cut things off with my sometime long-distance love interest. Well in all fairness I guess she's the one that cut things off. She wont return my phone calls. She's done this before but that was back when she was battling her drug-problems. I'd wait a couple of weeks and then call her again and she'd be happy as hell to talk to me. I dont know what's caused it this time. And I dare not think on it too much. It's a hard fought battle everyday not to try and call but I need to do this...I need to start thinking of a future without her. If she calls me which is doubtful, I'll probably be right back where I started. This will be hard but I've taken measures to help soften the blow.

Two songs come to mind: Damien Rice's "Volcano" and The Shins "Gone for Good"

The script for Tussle is coming along nicely. I've given myself till the 10th to finish the first draft which will then be sent out to some peers.

I also sent in a response to a local casting call, the film sounds fun so we'll see.

Details are coming together rather quickly for the NY spring break trip.


Adventure 2

I'm still pretty excited by the idea of my next adventure. I called my Man in the Big City today and started arrangements to not only get some recon from him but to plan our first scouting mission. Which will be relatively soon, Spring break to be more precise. He said room and board will be supplied. Excellent. I hope I can keep the excitement level up enough so that I'll be good about prepping for the adventure over such a long period. I'm not very good at that. So I'll have to make sure that there's plenty of adventurin in the pre-adventure, scout mission as well as scouting.

There are somethings I know I wont be able to prepare for until I get an eye on what I'm gonna be up against. I think the cold will be more of a factor than I'd like to admit. I've never experienced being all that cold for more than a week or two at a time. I'm excited about walking and subwaying all over the place. One thing I'll have to do is meet up with some surfers so they can get me out to the beach at least once or twice while I'm up there. There's gotta be some decent spots within a couple of hours of driving up there.

I'm excited to meet New Yorkers...come to think of it I've never really known any born 'n raised NYers very well, if at all. I'm also excited for them to meet me. I think I'm more of a Texan/Cowboy than I'd like to admit.

I really need to go to sleep like 3 hours ago. But I got my self all worked up again. I got orientation for my forklifting job tomorrow earlier than anything I've had to get up for in as long as I care to remember. I'm gonna have a real job again.

So I'll do the same thing I did last time: Write.



I've got to make a decision but I've made it before. And neither option has had permanence.

But the possibility of an adventure looms on the horizon with an odd companion. But somehow it makes sense. The kind of sense that leaving for Corpus Christi with a weeks notice made. Strangely enough I find myself in the same situation that I was then. But that decision was one of the better decisions I've made in the past couple of years. This adventure in question is a long way off a year.5, to be somewhat precise.

Would'nt that be great if I could spend the rest of my life just going off on these little adventures living in different places for just long enough to become fond of the place. But adventurin' no way to have a family, so they say. And sometime in my life I do want a family. I'd like it to be soon enough that my father is alive to be a grandfather. Thats something he's wanted for a long time and I've felt bad that he's had to wait as long as he has. But I wont rush things along just for his sake. It will be awhile before I'm ready for all that. I still got too much dreamin to do.

Anybody know the best way to the Big City?

New Year 2004

I cant sleep. That is to say, I could sleep and did sleep but something gathered in my throat and made me wake up coughing. And the nightmares that make me want to sleep my awake life away take hold. Keeping me oddly enough awake.

I might pull an all-nighter. More than likely I'll pass out by 6:00 and wake up very tired for work in the morning. Looking even worse for wear than I did today.

I spent the better part of 2005 recovering from the end of 2004.